You can call me old fashioned, outdated or whatever but I believe in purity – Nigerian Lawyer tells mothers to monitor their young daughters’ virginity
Princess Jemimah, a Nigerian lawyer, and pastor’s wife, has urged mothers to monitor their young daughters’ virginity.
Sharing a method taught to her by her mother, she emphasized her belief in purity, though she admitted to losing her battle with sexual immorality years ago. She shared this in a post on Facebook.
She wrote; “HOW I CHECK MY DAUGHTERS VIRGINÎTY. You can call me old fashioned, outdated or whatever but I believe in purity & I also believe that I have a role to play in my children’s life (both male & female) to ensure that they continue to keep themselves,” she wrote.
See, I tell them to keep their bodies pure not for their husbands but for GOD’S glory. I lost my battle against séxual immoralîty many years ago because I became very comfortable with one brother like that who almost married me.
I gave in because I felt, after all we were going to be married. He had me & yes, I ended up with someone else. If all my focus was on GOD during my purity journey before marriage, I would have stayed strong till the end.
Now this is my method for checking virginîty as passed on to me by my own mother;
1) Let the child lie down flat on the ground.
2) With her pànts off, she should spread out her legs very well.
3) Pin your two fingers on the two edges of her vàgina.
4) Stretch it slightly.
5) Check for it’s openness & depth, it will have a lot to reveal about such child’s state of chastîty.
Please, mothers don’t go crazy with your child in case you get a negative result. Be soft and get to hear from her how she became so loosed. The things you will hear will greatly shock you. One of my daughters (6 years old) said;
“Mummy, na my brother and him two friends dey fuçk fûck me every time!”
This generation is certainly cràzy, there are predators everywhere, the girl child must be seriously protected. Mothers, please let’s watch & pray!.