Riches create a certain type of poverty – Catholic priest, Fr. Kelvin Ugwu reacts to content creator, Zic Saloma’s nose job

Nigerian Catholic missionary priest, Fr. Kelvin Ugwu, has stated that many wealthy individuals lack self-esteem, discipline, and contentment, while poverty often masks a person’s true character.

On Monday, he shared this perspective in a Facebook post while reacting to comedian Zicsaloma’s recent rhinoplasty.

Zicsaloma had announced on social media that he successfully underwent nose surgery in Istanbul, Turkey.

“There are certain things you won’t think of doing until a certain amount of money hits your account,” he wrote in a Facebook post on Monday.

“Poverty has a way of putting a limit on our capabilities and imaginations. Also, some sins are expensive to commit and because most of us can’t finance them, we are looked at as being holy.

“On the other hand, riches create a certain type of poverty. There are certain things riches will make you do that will show how poor you are. A lot of people with riches are poor in self-esteem, discipline, and contentment.

“In the end, every Mallam to his Kettle, ours is just to run commentary. If there is something to learn, you pick it. If none, you scroll to the next post.”

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