“When I was a pastor I was a liar who thought he was telling the truth” Former pastor says

A man reflects on his past as a pastor, admitting that he was unknowingly spreading falsehoods.

Ejeagba Chidi revealed that, during his time as a pastor, he genuinely believed in his message and thought he was speaking the truth. However, he now describes his former beliefs as misleading, acknowledging that everything he preached was built on a flawed foundation.

He wrote: “When I was a pastor, I was a liar who thought he was telling the truth. 

“I was sincere, but I was sincerely wrong. 

“Everything I preached was built on a false foundation. How can one be truthful when the entire premise they stand on is flawed? 

“This is why I don’t judge those still trapped in religious dogma too harshly. I’ve been there. I know what it means to believe so deeply in something, only to realize later that it was never truly yours to believe in. 

“But sincerity is not an excuse to remain stuck in falsehoods. We owe it to ourselves to question even our most cherished beliefs. Because the most dangerous lies are the ones told by those who genuinely think they are speaking the truth.”

"When I was a pastor I was a liar who thought he was telling the truth" Former pastor says 4

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