The world outside is wicked, children need to know that home is safe – Doctor tells parents, shares how a child died an avoidable death because he was scared to confide in his parents

A doctor has recounted a heartbreaking incident at her workplace, using it as a cautionary tale for parents about the dangers of being overly strict with their children.

She shared that a young boy, while playing with his brother, sustained a cut but lied to his father, claiming it happened while doing the dishes. The father, believing the story, scolded him for being careless and moved on.

A month later, the boy began showing symptoms of rabies and was rushed to the hospital. Even then, he was too afraid to tell his parents the truth. It was only when his brother confessed that the cut came from a dog that the parents realized the severity of the situation, but by then, it was too late to save him, and the boy tragically passed away.

The doctor explained that the boy’s life could have been saved with a simple prophylaxis shot if he had spoken up earlier. She urged parents to avoid creating an environment so strict that their children feel too scared to be honest with them.

The world outside is wicked, children need to know that home is safe - Doctor tells parents, shares how a child died an avoidable death because he was scared to confide in his parents 10
The world outside is wicked, children need to know that home is safe - Doctor tells parents, shares how a child died an avoidable death because he was scared to confide in his parents 11
The world outside is wicked, children need to know that home is safe - Doctor tells parents, shares how a child died an avoidable death because he was scared to confide in his parents 12
The world outside is wicked, children need to know that home is safe - Doctor tells parents, shares how a child died an avoidable death because he was scared to confide in his parents 13

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