God forbid that I should be on my knees to propose marriage to a lady – Nigerian man says
A Nigerian man, Francis has said it is not African for a man to go on his knees to propose to a woman. He said God forbids he does it.
He stated this while reacting to photos of a Twitter user, Okey, who proposed to his fiancee, Ezinne.
He wrote; ”God forbid that I should be on my knees to propose marriage to a lady. Obulu ogwu oma nle chaachaa (even if it’s juju, it will not work at all at all) That’s not an African style
that is true…….
You don’t need to bother yourself because those who are doing it are satisfied with it
Once you were not forced, that’s there own cup of tea
It depends on you as you said
Okay oooo, I have heard you