You managed to buy a smart phone only to come on social media to defend those who made you jobless – Peter Okoye slams jobless Nigerian Youths

Peter Okoye of the Psquare group has criticized unemployed Nigerian youths who take to social media to protect “those who made them jobless”

He shared this in a post via his Instastory

Since the election campaign got underway, a number of Nigerian celebrities have spoken out on their preferences as well as the engagement of the general public in the upcoming elections.

Prior to the general elections in 2023, Okoye and a few of his colleagues have been at the forefront of voter registration and have maintained their position that Nigeria should hold a free and fair elections

Peter wrote: “A graduate with no job, you manage to buy smart phone, come on social media and started defending people that made you jobless”.

You managed to buy a smart phone only to come on social media to defend those who made you jobless - Peter Okoye slams jobless Nigerian Youths 4

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