Pastor Creflo Dollar Who Once Asked Members To Help Him Buy a $65Million Jet, Tells Them To Throw Out All His Old Books & Tapes On Tithing, Admits His Stance Was Wrong
US clergyman, Creflo Dollar, has denounced his position on tithing. For many years, Creflo had preached on the importance of Tithing and had informed his congregation that failing to tithe opens the door for devourers to come in and destroy a person’s life.
Speaking to his congregation recently, Creflo mentioned that he was still growing even as a preacher and went on to ask his members to destroy every book and tape he has ever written and preached on tithing because it’s not biblical.
”The teachings that I have shared in the time past on the subject of tithing were not correct and today I stand in humility to correct somethings that I have taught for years and believed for years but could never understand it clearly because I have not yet been confronted with the gospel of grace which has made the difference.
I have no shame at all saying to you, throw away every book, tape and video I ever did on the subject of tithing..unless it alines with this”
He said religion is sustained by two factors, fear and guilt and that if there is one subject that the church has used for a long time to keep people in fear and guilt, it is in the subject of Tithing.
Dollar is changing direction, doing a 180 in his trajectory of thought, years after he took fire for asking his parishioners to donate $300 each so he could buy a $65 million Gulfstream G650 jet for doing ministry abroad.
As noted by CNN, the jet “comes with two Rolls-Royce engines, high-speed Internet and two multichannel satellites and allows for a four-and-a-half-hour commute from New York to Los Angeles.”
In Dollar’s ministry, he uses a term called “Honor Giving” which is akin to tithing, the Washington Post reports.
Many have accused Creflo of enriching himself “on the backs of credulous, lower-income worshippers.”
Watch the full sermon below
that is very good of him to admits his mistakes……