Religion is by choice, You don’t need to force or kill anybody – Samklef
Veteran music producer, Samklef has expressed that religion is by choice and not by force.
The music producer turned blogger noted this during his exchange with a Twitter user who told him not to color all Muslims with the same brush.
The producer then replied that religion should not get to the point of killing one another. He went on to add that he has friends from other religions.
“Religion is by choice u don’t need to kill people or force people. I have Muslim friends. I have Hindu’ Friends also growing up one of my classmate in fagba his father was a babalawo. I love human beings“, he wrote.
that is true……….
Those killing people because of religion doesn’t understand it because if they do they won’t kill
God doesn’t ask us to kill for but human being will surely be human being
Religion doesn’t ask us not to live in harmony or peace but to us to know what to do
Until we learn how to live in peace if not this is how we will continue living among ourselves