Actress Ameze Imarhiagbe calls out African clergymen prophesying about US elections and nothing about events in their countries
Actress Ameze Imarhiagbe has taken to her Instagram page to tackle African prophets who have come up with one prophecy or the other about the outcome of the US Presidential election without sharing any about their countries in Africa.
With particular reference to the current controversy surrounding the US presidential election, Ameze wrote
”It’s so baffling that some African prophets have been heard prophesying about the outcome of the US elections; what’s gonna happen to Trump, what’s gonna happen to Biden and what the future holds for the US… but are yet to see what the future holds for their own troubled countries under the leadership of selfish politicians.
Take it or leave it! The year 2020 has proven one great fact: only God’s voice is supreme and you hear this voice oftentimes via your personal relationship with HIM and not with some prophets’ dictates.
Don’t get things mixed up. Some prophets are simply businessmen like you. Profit is essential.”

That’s truth, some prophets have turned everything in their domain to business which earns them profits. All we should know is after God is God.
All what those prophets saw in 2015 before the election nothing come to pass because most of them have become politicians not men of God again.
They can’t see anything in Nigeria because they have collected money from our politicians, therefore, they can’t say the truth.
You better leave those pastors alone, the pastors that are using to wire money from one countries to another. Then, how how do you expect those pastors to tell the truth.
it is only God that has the power to declare who His servant is
Pastors, well Juged not becus dey bear the name
They are just like people who have a big log of wood in their eye but are busy removing sand from other people’s eyes
That is a misplace of priorities fore but what can they about the issues going on in this country….
my sister don’t mind those people they lack what to do
There is no need to judge or criticize anyone, leave that alone for God almighty.