US Election: China declines to acknowledge Biden’s victory
President Xi Jinping of China on Monday declined to congratulate Joe Biden as the winner of the US presidential election, saying the outcome of the vote was still to be determined.
While incumbent Donald Trump has yet to concede and has launched several legal challenges, many world leaders congratulated Biden and running mate Kamala Harris after the Democrats were declared winners at the weekend and spontaneous celebrations erupted across American cities.
China, Russia and Mexico however have not congratulated the President-Elect.
“Our understanding is that the outcome of the election will be determined in accordance with US laws and procedures,” foreign ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin told press at a regular briefing.
After declining to acknowledge Biden’s victory despite repeated questions from reporters, Wang said: “We hope the new US government can meet halfway.
I know that China will be very happy about this election
Whether he congratulates him or not is immaterial
Biden has won and Trump is out
That is just how it is
Congratulations to Biden
It’s left for the court to declare winner but biden should be appreciated for beating Trump in the Democratic election
There declaration means nothing…
There congratulations mean nothing to Biden, no matter what they do… Biden has been crown the victory and nobody can retrieve it. Congratulations sir Biden.
This is serious
Does this means they are not in support of Biden?
They are all afraid of late minute attack from the outgoing President
Whether Donald Trump accept the outcome of the election or not, you are less concern, your own is to congratulate the winner, that is all.
Joe Biden has tried for defeating the incumbent president, he really did a good job and worth to be congratulated.
What’s wrong with this China and other two northern Americans president, no matter what happened they need to congratulate him first.
That’s campaign after election, are they the in charge of the court to declare Donald Trump as winner or what.
Who cares about his victory
Yes true, the outcome of the result is still been investigated.
Whether he congrats or not as long there is a winning in between , dere is nothing to do about it.