‘Donald Trump is 91% certain to win US election’ – Pollster who has correctly predicted elections since 1996
One of the most accurate pollsters in US political history has stated that incumbent US president Donald Trump has a 91% chance of holding on to the White House even though most polls put his rival, Joe Biden ahead.
Pollster Helmut Norpoth correctly predicted Donald Trump’s shock election win back in 2016 and four years later his poll model predicts the Trump will win again.

Norpoth, a professor of political science at New York’s Stony Brook University, created his prediction model in 1996 by analysing data from every US election going back to 1912.
The model is based around each candidate’s performance in their party’s Primary Elections, or Primaries, where Democrats and Republicans voted for who their party’s presidential candidate should be.

When Norpoth compared Trump and Biden’s Primaries to those over the last 108 years, he argues he can predict the outcome of the actual election.
In this year’s Republican primary Trump won 94% while Biden won just 54% of the Democratic primary.
Due to this, Norpoth says Biden will win the popular vote while Trump will win the electoral college.
“I focus on early primaries and the way the candidates perform in those early contests,” Norpoth said in the press release. “It’s a very good predictor, and a leading indicator of what’s going to happen in November.”
His model has been successful in predicting presidential winners since 1996.
“When I looked at New Hampshire and I saw that Donald Trump got 85 percent of the votes … I was pretty sure what the model was going to predict,” Norpoth said.
Joe Biden, on the other hand, won only 8.4% in New Hampshire, Norpoth said, a number that is “unbelievable for a candidate with any aspirations of being president,” he stated.
I wish the best candidate luck to win
Whether Trump wins or any other person wins, how does it concern me
I Wish The Best Candidate Luck To Win
Whether Trump Wins Or Any Other Person Wins, How Does It Concern Me
Either Donald Trump or Biden anybody could win, I just wish both of them success in the coming election.
He may be predicting the winner since 1996, what I know very well is that he is not God and anything could happen, it is only God that can’t never fail. He can fail on this.
What we need is not opinion poll, Joel Biden might be won in that but the real election is for Donald Trump to win but the prediction doesn’t mean things may change this time around.
I wish him best of luck,he has really done a good work don’t just in us but some country too, please vote for him he is the right man for the job.
Who ever is going to rule US I which him the best of luck.
Let’s see how it works for him sha.
But remember we are not done with our problem
I wish him failure,.
Trump must be very stupid. By the special grace of almighty Allah.. you will not win, and my reason is just because you against the right woman for the world…Dr ngozi eweala as world trade organization (WTO).
Every time I think I see the light at the end of the tunnel, it ends up being a freight train coming right at me..
May good luck be your friend in whatever you do and may trouble be always a stranger to you.
Today I need lots of luck. Fingers and toes and legs and eyes crossed. I really need you to concentrate for me. I think it may be working..
By this special grace of God this jackass Will not be president again..
All the best sir.
He is so brave and courageous.
Surely he’s going to win.
Anything can still happen nah
No one is God and surprises can spring up
Letb the best candidate win, that is my wish