Submission is not reserved for women alone – Daddy freeze replies Oyedepo
Controversial On-air-personality, Daddy Freeze has reacted to a recent post by Bishop David Oyedepo where the stated that the only way to a fruitful marriage is total submission from the part of the wife.
In an open letter to Oyedepo, Freeze countered, saying that submission in marriage goes both ways and not only reserved for women. Read his open letter below
”Dear Bishop Oyedepo, submission goes both ways. It’s not reserved for women alone, rather both the husband and wife MUST submit to one another.
Ephesians 5:21
New International Version
Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.
Now, let us always endeavor to quote scripture in context. We shouldn’t leave out the instruction given to the men, who must also be prepared to DIE for their wives like Christ died for the church, or is this because we live in a patriarchal and misogynistic society that we adopt one and leave out the other?
Ephesians 5:25
New Living Translation
For husbands, this means love your wives, just as Christ loved the church. He gave up his life for her.
Furthermore, men are instructed to love their wives as they love themselves, before they receive respect. If a man cheats on his wife, beats her or doesn’t take care of her financially, how can he disillusion himself into believing that he’d get submission and respect from her?
Ephesians 5:33
New Living Translation
So again I say, each man must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.”
That is also true
I don’t know why our religious leaders are doing like this, if one of the religious leader express his views the other doesn’t need to counter his views. what Bishop oyedepo said is not go against the words of God, I think when you should counter his views it’s when it go against the words of God. Even everyone knows that respect is reciprocal but the women need to be submissive to their husbands and the bishop didn’t say that the men should respect their wives.
Quite alright when we are talking about submissive it goes to both sides not only for the women alone but there are lots of things that husband would not do, he just needs to assist but some women would rather say we have equal rights if I’m doing this you must do that, what do we call that? The wife must submit totally to his husband8 in order to avoid misunderstanding. Bishop oyedepo knows what he is saying.
Yea you are right,it takes two to tango.Marriage works when the two are ready to make it work, not just a party.
Yes….we are all human create with same flesh and blood……so we all need to be equal paths
We have listened to the submission of both of you and I think two of you are right
It all depends on the context each of you is trying to explain from
Thanks for the teachings
No doubt when love abound there is submisiveness in marriage.
The words of Daddy Freeze are only but his own point adding to those of bishop
Bcos Bishop did not say husband need not be submissive to their wives but rather his emphasis were on the wives
Even in the Holly book “Quran. Total submission must come from wife to her husband, because God says if decide us to worship any other person than him he would have say wife should worship her husband, anyway Daddy Freeze has a point because since our wife is not a slave to us we suppose to have the same feeling to eash other, but that’s inside life we are. Pastor Iyiola Oyedepo coat what exactly in the Holly book. As from my own side, for better life and better tomorrow, wife most give her husband total submission. Thank you.
Its true shall but these days it hard you see a man that will be submissive to his wife o. Small thing they will remind you that he is the man of the house so he deserves all the respect in this world. Then they forgot that if left hand washes the right hand and the right hand washes the left both hands will be clean
For a perfect marriage both parties needs to be submissive but more is expected from the side of the wife. Nice from Daddy freeze
Somehow saying the truth..submissive goes to the both side
u right in saying that but Bible
The Bible already made the point clear. The man should love his wife. If a man loves his wife,there is nothing in the world he cannot do for his wife.
The woman needs to submit herself to her husband to earn more love and care.
Yes he has a point, but there is no need countering the man of God.
sure it takes two of them for the marriage to work