Singer, Waje celebrates 40th birthday with lovely photos

Popular Nigerian Singer, Aituaje Iruobe, Waje is a year older today and has taken to social media to share lovely photos in celebration of her 40th birthday.

In the photos she shared on her Instagram page, the birthday girl effortlessly rocked a vibrant yellow dress.

She wrote:

“My life is a testimony of God love.

A love with no reservation, without my perfection
Thank you for loving me for no reason.

Happy birthday”

Singer, Waje celebrates 40th birthday with lovely photos 6Singer, Waje celebrates 40th birthday with lovely photos 7


  1. Stunning photos of you here. God continue to protect, guide and bless you the more year after year
    Happy birthday to you
    More fruitful years ahead in Jesus name … Amen

  2. Very beautiful of you, you look gorgeous. As you celebrate your 40th birthday may you celebrate more of it on Earth with good health. Congrats.

  3. You look beautiful in that picture and what a lovely picture. I really rejoice with you on your day, may you celebrate more of it on Earth with joy, happiness and a sound health. Congratulations to you.

  4. what a nice pictures that you have there, I wish you Gods favor, long life and property in Jesus Name Amen. Happy Birthday beauty have fun because its your day enjoy it like no man’s business

  5. Be happy. Not because everything is good, but because you can see the good side of everything..happy birthday and more blessings I pray

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