Hackers take over Twitter accounts of Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Barack Obama, others
Late on Wednesday night, the Twitter accounts of Bill Gates and Elon Musk appeared to have fallen prey to a crypto-related scam.
However, it was soon noticed that it wasn’t just those two accounts – The Twitter accounts of Barack Obama, Jeff Bezos, Joe Biden, Kim Kardashian and Kanye West, Warren Buffet, and more appeared to have also been compromised.
The scam posted tweets on behalf of the owners of the accounts and their Bitcoin wallet address with the promise of sending back double the amount of BTC if a user sends a certain amount to the designated wallet first.
The scam appeared to have happened in two rounds, wherein the scammers posted similar Bitcoin-scamming tweets for the second time from both Gates’ and Musk’s accounts, after their first tweets were deleted
The founder of those social media should do something tangible to prevent those hackers from having access to someone account. If the hackers are found they should be dealt with.
This is serious!
Bitcoin and its wallets will always be prone to be hacked until it find a safty security code to protect it from hackers. Nevertheless with the new technology invented, scam can be easily detected before it does a huge damage
Nawa o
The Cyber space is not safe
Nawa o
No account is safe if that’s the case