Guide To Dating An African Brother With Dr Love
Everyday ladies from all over the world fall in love with our African brothers. They fall in love for several reason. Some are interested in our big something, some in our culture, some just want to have multi-cultural children.
Never bad-mouth his country: You will end up having arguments. Most Africans are touchy about their homeland. They know there is a lot wrong with the continent but they are not comfortable when these attacks come from a foreigner. You can express your opinion but never badmouth his country.
Learn how to cook: The old saying still rings true for a lot of young African men. The way to their heart is still through their hearts. Take advantage of YouTube and learn to cook his favorite meal and watch his face light up as you serve the food.
They place a lot of value on trust. Never give them a reason to doubt you. Once trust is gone, it is hard to regain with a African man. The level of suspicion becomes high. Always remember that he comes from a cultures that severely punishes women for cheating so the concept of a woman cheating is still hard for most to comprehend.
Remember that he places a lot of value of hardwork. He expects same of his woman. If you are the type who cannot hold down a job, sorry to break it to you but he will not stick around for long. It is just the truth. Once they are successful, African brothers have a high standard for their women.