My mother-in-law misled her son to impregnate another girl because she never liked me – Woman narrates how her marriage ended after two years

A 60-year-old Kenyan woman, Connie Muuru, has narrated how her first marriage fell apart after just two years, blaming her mother-in-law for the breakdown.

In a Facebook post on Wednesday, January 29, the businesswoman revealed that her mother-in-law, who she claims never approved of her, influenced her husband to impregnate another woman, ultimately leading to her being forced out of her marital home.

“My first husband, when I was 16 years old and I got my second born at 17 years. It didn’t last for more than 2 years…,thanks to my mother-in-law, who misled his son to impregnate another girl immediately from their village, because she didn’t like me from day one,” she wrote.

I was thrown out so that she could be brought in, since she was already pregnant.

I went back to real rejection from here…I didn’t have anyone who was ready to receive me back home. I was swimming in problems on top of problems, from lack of a place to call home to lack of food.

I was sleeping anywhere, hoping that I could die in the sleep but I still woke up the next morning and started walking to nowhere.

Don’t forget I had dropped out of school in class 7,so I don’t have any form of education to get employed. If I didn’t die after this time I will live to declare the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. My God is real and has walked with me, holding my hand tight, through this journey.

AND FOR BEING REJECTED AND HAVING NO HOME, TO FALL BACK,THAT’S HOW GOD CONNECTED ME WITH A STRANGER,WHO BROUGHT ME TO NAIROBI. I THINK ALSO I AM COWARD, BECAUSE I HAVE HOPED TO DIE SO MANY TIMES BUT I CAN’T COMMIT SUICIDE… My mother-in-law misled her son to impregnate another girl because she never liked me - Woman narrates how her marriage ended after two yearsMy mother-in-law misled her son to impregnate another girl because she never liked me - Woman narrates how her marriage ended after two yearsMy mother-in-law misled her son to impregnate another girl because she never liked me - Woman narrates how her marriage ended after two years. I KEEP ON WAKING UP AND WAITING UPON MY GOD TO REMOVE ME FROM THE MESS. NOT ONCE…NOT TWICE OR TEN TIMES I HAVE SEEN HIS HAND OF DELIVERANCE…TRUST IN HIM.

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