“The only crime I committed was trusting a man” – Nigerian woman narrates how her husband scammed her, travelled to Lagos 3 weeks after their wedding and never returned leaving her with a child

Chinenye Anyanwu shared on Facebook how her happiness as a newlywed was shattered when her husband disappeared just three weeks after their court wedding in 2019.

Suspected to be a scammer, her husband, Olumide, took everything he could before leaving for what he claimed was a one-week trip to Lagos. He never returned. When Chinenye informed him that she was pregnant two weeks later, he showed no enthusiasm about becoming a father.

Chinenye later discovered that the people who attended their wedding as Olumide’s family members were not genuine, suspecting they were hired or tricked into playing roles.

According to her; “On 2nd August 2019, I walked into a marriage registry and exchanged marital vows with a man who legally became my husband after that exercise. Everything was fine. Everyone was happy for us, she wrote. On 27th August, exactly this day 5 years ago. Just 3 weeks after our marriage, he went on a trip to Lagos. His trip was supposed to be just one week but guess what, he hasn’t returned till date. What happened? So much. 2 weeks after he left I found out I was 2 weeks pregnant. The excitement, ohhhhhh. But he didn’t seem excited, why? I guess pregnancy wasn’t part of his plans. One month later, the biggest scam in history was discovered. You’ll get to know that the only real people at my wedding were people from my side (people who came on my account).

“Everyone that came for and on behalf of my husband were either hired, manipulated or tricked to attend or play roles at the wedding including his uncle and the wife, the food vendor, photographer etc.  More shocks coming. All his family members I’ve spoken with while the relationship and marriage lasted nko? They were all part of his mission. Their numbers haven’t gone through till date. My husband made away with everything he could lay hands on.

“Obviously his reason for the marriage was to get access to them. Virtuous woman don’t hide her money and assets from her husband right?  Days turned to weeks, then to months. I accepted my reality, took responsibility for the mistakes that I made myself and determined to make things right for me and my then unborn child. Sounds like a movie scene right? Well, that’s someone’s reality but this is not the main point of this post. Here’s the point. My marriage lasted just 3 weeks but it’s been 5 years of trying to fix the damages caused by that mistake. It’s been 5 years of trying so hard to rebuild everything that was broken down by reason of that marriage error; mental, spiritual, career, financial, emotional etc. That one error affected practically everything, every other area of my life. Every now and then I ask myself “how did I let this happen under my watch?”. 

“Everyone thinks you are strong and you are fine. But that’s not the whole truth. Few days ago my son woke up and saw me and said “Mummy you are crying again”.  It broke me but I couldn’t help it. The last two months have been hell in my head, mind and body. I took stock of the past five years of my life and it seems God is punishing me for making one mistake. All my efforts to fix things, get back to my normal life in all aspects hasn’t yielded positive in my assessment. It’s like I get to 70% progress then back to 20%. It’s just not working. It’s more like a shadow than it’s real. It’s luike I don’t belong here anymore, like I am just fading away yet shining from the outer. For just one mistake? Isn’t this two much consequence? I have seen people make countless marriage mistakes/errors yet get back to their normal. Yet the holy book says God is not partial. I don’t understand it anymore. It’s not making any sense to me again.

“Make it make sense to me God! The only crime I committed was trusting and committing to a man I didn’t know but thought I knew and didn’t take time to know. I didn’t keell anyone. I didn’t break the law of the land so why am I in jail? Why is my punishment this long and harsh? The worst is that you don’t even have anyone to talk to because they don’t seem to understand. To them you are a strong woman and everything is either fine or you can handle everything. Olumide, I have never cursed you in the past five years and for a reason I’ll never do that. May the universe judge between you and I accordingly. Life indeed is not fair. Dear God, I think it is enough. It is.   

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