“I don’t think I will attend her funeral” Woman expresses rage after her sister returned to her abusive boyfriend and “this time he didn’t spare her”
Twitter User, @DNancyTwala has taken to the Microblogging site to share how her younger sister went back to her abusive boyfriend
In a series of tweets she shared, she revealed that the boyfriend was beating her while she was pregnant and she still believes that he loves her.
She expressed rage as to her sister’s present condition. She explained that her sister’s “whole body is black now with blood inside” but she has refused to go to the hospital.
“My younger sister went back to her abusive boyfriend and this time he didn’t spare her,” she wrote.
“I’m so mad at her even if she can die now I don’t think I will attend her funeral, I’v tried helping her do protection orders open cases serveral times but she still go back.he was beating her while pregnant till now and she still believe that he loves her.”
She further explained that the last time her sister got back with her abusive boyfriend, the couple blamed her for their relationship woes. She wrote: “Last time she told him that I’m the one who forced her to open a case she didn’t want to do it.”

she will get what she ever wanted…….. either kill or be killed……
You need to be mastering of what to do or involved in
You just need to know your boundaries in case of next time