If any man who is impotent marries a woman without telling her, that man has broken the law of truthfulness – Clergyman, Pastor David Ibiyeomie

Clergyman, David Ibiyeomie has kicked against men who are impotent and refuse to disclose this to their wives before they get married. He said any man who does this, has broken the law of truthfulness.

He said this during a sermon as he admonished his members to do away with the traditional belief that a man or woman is expected to engage in pre-marital sex so as to examine the sexual prowess of their would-be partner,

Ibiyiemoie said ; ‘Till tomorrow many people believe what is not in line with the word of God. Even in church. Even if you say the Bible says this, they would say leave bible. I am talking about what is happening now. That is tradition.That is you are accepting what you believe instead of the word of God.It is tradition to test before marriage. It is tradition but it is not accepted in church everywhere.They will now ask you how would you know if a man is impotent. People say it. That is tradition.

‘How can you say somebody that wants to marry cannot taste first. You have to taste firt so you can know if the man is strong or not’Listen, the man who is sincere to you must open up to you if he is importent or not. If any man who is impotent marries a woman without telling her, that man has broken the law of truthfullness. The man should tell her he is impotent. But don’t say how would he know. Tradition says so but the word of God did not say so. The bible says Marriage is honorable when the bed is undefiled.Two of you must go as virgins to marry. Even in the church they would say you have to taste. Is it Egusi soup?”

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