“Sex before marriage is not a sin, any preacher saying it’s a sin is an enemy of the finished work and is not real” – Pastor Olakunle Beloved Jesukale
Pastor Olakunle Beloved Jesukale, founder of End-Time Revival Evangelical Ministry has said that sex before marriage is no longer a sin.
The cleric in a video he shared on social media platforms, stated that he does not believe that sin exists to those who believe in the finished work of Jesus Christ because Christ has destroyed sin.
Pastor Jesukale averred that “sex, whether it is before marriage, after marriage or during marriage is no longer a sin.” He also said why many believe sex should be had in marriage, is because it is a covenant but has nothing to do with righteousness, purity and other godly virtues. The Pastor also stated that any preacher saying that sex before marriage is a sin is an enemy of the finished work and is not real.
you are a total crap………. sex before marriage is fornication……….