If acute cheating is the reason you leave your relationship, then you have no business being in one or getting married – Actor Uti Nwachukwu
Uti Nwachukwu is of the opinion that acute cheating is not enough reason for a person to walk out of a relationship.
The actor in a series of tweets via Twitter noted that the needless pressure of monogamy is still destroying relationships as it is extremely hard for humans to be sexually committed to one human for the rest of their lives.
He said most monogamous relationships are pretentious, hypocritical, and sad.
He wrote;
“We are so obsessed with relationships yet we have refused to accept the inconvenient truths about em. If acute (not chronic) cheating is the reason you leave your relationship, then you have no business being in one in the first place not to talk of marrying!As long as you have a partner that is kind to u, provides for u, spends adequate time with u/does not Neglect u emotionally&physically- Then what else do u really want?Truth is, it is EXTREMELY hard for humans to be sexually committed to ONE human for the rest of their Lives!Let’s be real and think about it. So You are expected to be physically intimate with one person for the rest of your life? (Even if you marry in your 20s?) Lol.
“ANALOGY – Starch and Banga is super tasty and ur favourite but there are days you wake up craving king prawns with special fried rice.FYI,if banga is forcd down ur throat, u might end up resenting banga for a LONG TIME. I feel the needless pressure of monogamy has/is still destroying relationships. NOT TO SAY IT DOESNT WORK O! But most LONG TERM monogamous relationshps are pretentious,hypocritical and sad. YET they are the ones quick to judge and pressure others living freely. This is a real non judgemental conversation EVERYONE should have with themselves and their intending partners so u don’t lead anyone into depression via deceit.
“KNOW URSELF NO BE CUSS. WHO DE CRY DE SEE ROAD.Whether u are Female or Male, Ur Preferences are Ur Preferences (as long as its not an addiction) Let’s not talk about Solomon’s Wives&Concubines cos we know when we add religion,the conversation becomes closed&heated. Just do U and be real with UR expectations”
that is true cuz its a waste of time…….
From our own religion in order to avoid extra marrital affairs God has said it that we should marry another instead
Whether acute or chronic cheating, cheating is cheating because it is not good
Cheating is not good forget about acute cheating
Once you have married, you don’t need to cheat anymore