Man breaks up with his wife after her mother refused him access to their children because he didn’t greet her

A Nigerian man filmed the moment he broke up with his wife at their residence abroad. In the video, the husband is seen moving his belongings while telling his wife that it is over between them because her mother denied him access to their kids just because she said he didn’t come into her house to greet her.

His wife tried to calm him down but to no avail. He asked his wife how many times she has called his own mother that hers should penalise him for not greeting her. His wife told him they could settle it as friends but he refused. He bluntly said he’s done with the marriage no matter what.

He told her that she has called the cops on him before and taken him to court as he questioned her if friends do that to each other. He went on to tell his wife that they can still be in each other’s lives since they have 3 kids together but they don’t necessarily have to live together. He then mentioned to her that he plans to do a DNA test on one of their kids because he recalls her telling a nurse to his face that the child isn’t his.


  1. The matter of couple nowadays is becoming unbearable to one another, both of them should look out for settlement Because of their children.

  2. What she should have done before escalating to this level, she is now looking for solution after the incident has happened.

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