Pastor Adeboye releases 2021 prophesies for the World, Nigeria and individuals
The General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, Pastor Enoch Adejare Adeboye has released his 2021 prophecies.
Known as his custom, Adeboye yearly releases prophesies for the world, Nigeria as a country and individuals.
Here are his 2021 prophesies…
International Scene
1. Some of the things that happened in 2020 will spill over into 2021.
2. The world as a whole can only come out of the wounds when they admit the following;
1) That it is the Most High that rules in the affairs of men not science. Daniel 4:25.
2) That it is God that gives wisdom to the wise. Daniel 2:20-21.
3) That God can reduce the so called wisdom of man to foolishness. 1 Corinthians 1:19-20. 4)
4) That for every vaccine discovered, there is already a variant in the making. This will continue until the high and mighty admit that safety is of the Lord. Proverbs 21:31.
5) God says He will begin to deal with nations on individual basis so that in any nation, if God’s people will humble themselves and pray, He will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14
1. God wants us in Nigeria to know that only God can lift a siege. 2 Kings 7:1-end
2. The humble who put their trust in God will see the end of the siege. James 4:6
3. The erstwhile ignored will become vessels unto honour in God’s hands. 1 Corinthians 1:27
4. God says there will be sounds from heaven.
1. Your very survival and restoration will be in your own hands. Psalm 91
Your pastors will let you know in your various parishes.
What can we say,then to look forward to better 2021.
I don’t think this is a news anymore, all these are what we have already known but we don’t stick to it and until we get back to God there we always be a problem in one way or the other.
Until we go back to Almighty God I don’t think there will be solution to our issues in this country. May Almighty God have mercy on us.
It’s only God can grant whatever desire or propose but those scientist do not realize this. I hope they will return to the before it’s late.
We have heard you and listen to your prophesy and I hope people will take to it and also amend their ways.
Hoped and pray for good fortunes in this new year for everyone in general and for the prosperous One Nigeria…..
May Almighty God accept our prayer.