Kaduna Zoo bars Journalists from entering facility after photos of a starving lion and other animals went viral
The Management of Splash Park, the managers of the mini zoo in Kaduna has closed its gates, preventing anyone including journalists from gaining access into the zoo where photos of a starving lion which went viral few days ago were taken.
Daily Trust reported that their correspondent was barred from accessing the mini zoo on the excuse that the animals were undertaking routine treatment and that only a letter from the state government will grant journalists access.
The Manager of the Zoo, Innocent Ameh reportedly said the pictures trending online were not from the zoo. Ameh further stated that he was under strict instructions by the Kaduna State Ministry of Agriculture not to allow anyone gain entry into the zoo. He acknowledged seeing the pictures of the starving animals online but insinuated he had laughed it off knowing the pictures were not from the zoo.
The zoo manager also averred that the routine treatment which will include vaccinations had commenced on Friday November 13 but could not clearly tell journalists when it will end.
Ameh said;
“Some wildlife experts came with a letter from Abuja that they saw some pictures and they wanted to see the lion. We showed them to confirm because of their letter and it was even feeding time so we gave the lion goat and they said: ‘heh social media.’ So this issue of social media, it was just like some years ago they said the lion killed someone.
“It is normal for the animals to be isolated during routine treatment because they are being vaccinated, so it will be risky to allow people to have access to them while this is going on.”
However when Kaduna State Commissioner of Agriculture, Halima Lawal was contacted, she debunked the claim and also said they can’t give such directive as the zoo was a private business and not owned by the state government.
Laawal said;
“That zoo is for a concessionaire, it has been privatized and it is not run by the Kaduna State government. It is run by the private person that they gave the zoo to who is responsible for looking after the animals as a money generating venture.”
I have said it more and more that if those in power or leaders continue lying like this, what do they expect from their followers this is disheartening.
If the lion in question is not from your zoo, then why preventing the journalist from having Access to the zoo garden? I don’t believe you.
Instead of those in power to amend or correct their mistakes they will just be looking for glimpse excuses from one way or the other, they need to learn how to accept mistakes and correct them if not things would be getting worse day by day.
We are born to make a mistakes and to correct them, this present government doesn’t want to learn at and no one is an island of knowledge. Why can’t you accept your mistakes and take care of those animals in the zoo.
The words of two leaders are contradicting, one said it was directive from state government under the supervision of commissioner for agric and commissioner of agric also said she can’t give that directive because the zoo that in question is not government own belongs to private organization. Then, who is fooling who???
This is not good for the animals… Why caged them and let them suffers….
What could have caused the Lion’s sickness nah
Abeg the vaccine should be provided for them please because animals life matters too.
We are not serious with this things, we’re only serious in looting public funds
human being dont have food to eat so am not suprise if animals dont have
Even when a normal human being falls I’ll they won’t attend to for better treatment,it’s an animal that they will attend to
How could you leave those animals without food and you guys are using them to get income. Wicked people
Then where is the picture taken from if not the zoo…
A very big shame on them
Instead of doing the needfuk, they are talking of ban
how can u keep animals nd u will not feed is not right
These lion will regret been in Nigeria zoo.