My sister is not bipolar, her husband posted the video to clear his name – Chacha Eke’s Brother, Aik Eke

Actress Chacha Eke’s brother, Aik Eke has debunked claims of his sister being Bipolar.

Recall that in a video shared on Chacha Eke’s Instagram page on October 7, she disclosed that she is currently in a hospital in Delta state where she is receiving treatment after being diagnosed to be Bipolar by psychiatric doctors.

Her brother, Aik however debunked the claim of Chacha being diagnosed with Bipolar and also accused her husband of sharing the video on her Instagram page without her consent, in a bid to clear his name.

He also warned his brother-in-law to let sleeping dogs lie as he is not innocent of what led to the end of his marriage.


  1. I feel that all these should be private issues just meant for the immediate family and not for everyone
    Why come on air to say them
    They should try to settle amicably please

  2. Bipolar is not easy to manage but thank God for her life for not having it. Why is family poke nose in the affairs of the couple, this can create misunderstanding.

  3. Once the husband and wife is married, there is limit for family either from the family of husband or wife to be tampering with the affairs of the couple because it will always create issues among the couple.

  4. Most problems or issues couple of nowadays use to have is from the family, if family could stay away from them, the divorce among the couple will reduce. If there is misunderstanding among the couple, they need to just have someone to report not all the family will interfere in there affairs.

  5. To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting.than what they post about you.

  6. Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else’s opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation, its good to clear yourself toward them.

  7. Which one do we follow is it the one the brother is saying or the one said by chacha anyway they should settle matter

  8. Hmmmm oh meehn this is becoming serious o, if the husband (Faani Eke) did this without his wife’s consent which means he is the cause of the broken marriage they are facing now because Cha Cha even said that she thank God she came out with her life.

  9. It’s obvious that man is innocent..They are just looking for possible means to label him guilty… This is what men pass through but they are seen as guilty because they refuse to speak…

  10. You people are old enough to have privacy now, must you posted all your entire life to social media? There are something that you need to do as privacy. Is not every cloth we can spread in a son.

  11. Can’t Y’all just go back home and have civil conversations, and save yourselves all these unwanted attention.

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