Educational system is shit – Simi
Popular Nigerian Singer, Simi has reacted to the level of education in the country.
She took to her Instagram story to rant about how the educational system kills talents and potentials because they are not tapped into adding that it feels like a waste of time.
She wrote:
“educational system is so shit. most of us can’t even remember most of what we were taught in all the many years we spent in school. people have potential and talent not tapped into ‘because it’s not prestigious enough’ … then they spend years ‘learning’ sthg they don’t care about. Forget everything right after and end up doing something else with their lives. What’s the point then? Who did this to us?”
If your education is shit mine is not shit please
She didn’t say education is a shot, she said the system is a shit
When a country is being led by bad people, that is one of the aftermath of it. Nothing goes right
The educational system in the country is in deep shit as you have rightly said because no one cares
Corruption has killed everything
She has a point
she is right if the education system is good let the politicians bring they children to school here nd not send them abroad
Abi,that is a typical story of woes pertaining Nigerian education.God help us.
With education, we can achieve everything but reverse is the case here in Nigeria. Our leaders do not value education in our country that’s why we need to learn trade or any other vocational study to it in order to thrive in this country.
Nigerians are making it in other countries with this education you are taking about, we are the one leading in Europe but our leaders didn’t value education in Nigeria may be is it because their children/wards are not with us. Just of recent one vice Chancellor of one University in kwara State said first class graduate without vocational study is nonsense. Government should help us finding lasting solution to curb this menace.
No kidding the educational system is trash,student don’t read again they hustle to get money and sort.
This 100% true I always feel sad when reading in school cause I know other students that’s not reading would still pass me in grade cause they sort with large money that I don’t have .
Graduate don’t matter again in this country.
If you going for work as lady you have open your legs if not no work.
Then why going to school na.
Not actually education make you get high rate of percentages.
One mans food is another mans poison
Yes.. In Nigeria
The Chinese are even making things worse. I can’t imagine an educated fellow earning lesser than an illiterate. In fact, the whole system is now a shit