Covid-19 – God is angry a us, only the Righteous will be saved – Pastor Giwa
The Senior Pastor of Awaiting The Second Coming Of Jesus Christ, Adewale Giwa, has urged everyone across the world to seek God, saying the outbreak of Coronavirus disease is beyond human imagination as God is angry with the world and only the righteous can be saved.
“This is a warning sign to us to repent and turn to God. This situation tells unbelievers now to know that God created and owns the world; it started like a joke, but see what it has become, he said.
“The world will get over this, but we need to serve God diligently. This disease has made the people to run helter-skelter. Pastors have disappointed God, the religious leaders no longer seek God, but money.
“God is angry at us, and only the righteous can be saved. Let us examine ourselves, this is a period of sober reflection.
“That Coronavirus is not meant for true Christians. A thousand will fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right side; But, it will not come near you. Only with your eyes shall you see the reward of the wicked.
“Devil is trying to steal our faith, and he wants us to believe something other than God’s Word. As true Christians, we must hold on to our faith in God.
“Coronavirus is part of the diseases recorded in the book of Revelation to remind us to start packing our stuff and preparing for the coming of Jesus Christ. We don’t need to be afraid. Rather, we need to hold on to God and do what is right by God.”