Cheating is not a Normal thing and can never be – Juliet Ibrahim.
Actress, Juliet Ibrahim has reacted to the controversial post by Gucci mane where he celebrated his wife for sticking by him despite the pain he caused her. The post was supported by Snoop Dogg and has sparked a lot of reactions and now few words of wisdom from Juliet Ibrahim.
In her post she stated clearly that as much as people like to paint cheating in any good way possible, it is not normal and a form of abuse to one’s mental health.
She said:
This speaks to the core of so many issues… enjoy the read and understand while at it, work on yourself as a person and stop promoting negativity and bad behavior. Some men aren’t even aware that when they cheat on a woman they cause a lifetime of problems for that woman.
That woman can be affected emotionally, psychologically, and her self esteem and trust in another person can be destroyed which will need a lot of work to build back to normal. So, NO cheating is NOT a normal thing and can never be! Cheating is a form of abuse to anyone’s mental health! If you don’t want to be with a person and can’t be committed stay out of committed relationships! SIMPLE! If you can’t be monogamous from the onset as a woman or man let your partner know so you both understand what it is you’re getting into.
Don’t be creating lots of broken people in society with this bad behavior and lame excuse. In @atoasttolifebook I had the opportunity to speak about similar situations I went through and how I was able to rise above. Unfortunately, not many women can be able to be as strong as I was or I am. #selfworth #atoasttolife #RespectWomen #RespectYourself